Charges: Probation Violation
Probation Violation
Charges: Domestic Battery: rude physical contact
Charges: Contempt of Court; Direct
Failure to appear
Interf w/LEO; obstr/resist/oppose felony warrant
Poss of marijuana
Poss of stimulant
Use/poss drug paraphernalian/human body
Charges: Probation Violation
Probation Violation
Charges: Failure to appear
Charges: Probation Violation
Charges: Outside warrant/NCIC hit
Poss para w/intent to manuf/plant/cult
Charges: Failure to appear
Failure to appear
Failure to appear
Charges: Probation Violation
Charges: Criminal Damage to Property; Value Unknown
Interf w/LEO; obstr/resist/oppose misd warrant
Probation Violation
Charges: Probation Violation
Probation Violation
Charges: Agg burglary; unknown circumstance
Burglary; Non dwellingfor felony, theft sex
Contempt of Court; Direct
Criminal Deprivaton of Property
Criminal Deprivaton of Property
Failure to appear
Interf w/LEO; obstr/resist/oppose felony warrant
Poss of opiate, narcotic, or certain stimulant
Theft of prop/services:Value less than $1,500
Use/poss drug paraphernalian/human body
Recent Booking Activity for the Saline County Jail. All persons included in this post are innocent of crimes until proven guilty in a court of law. Courtesy Photos